Defensive Personalities

by Death

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.00  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 11:16 a.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Spiritual Healing

Song Author

Chuck Schuldiner

Tabbed by

Belojaar (


1st → Chuck Schuldiner
2nd → James Murphy

File Size

45 KB




Defensive Personalities ----------------------------------------------------------------------- One mind divided into three, for every problem a personality Each one trying to protect, for the crisis a person they'll select With sorrow comes reassurance, with confusion there's ignorance Deny who they are, a fantasy gone too far Protecting the weak points of the mind Defensive personalities Violent one minute, calm the next Defensive personalities Passed down from generations, years of pain and complications Darkness was a punishment, memories time cannot mend Brutalized from the day of birth, to reality they can't return Existing in a world of three lives inside of one Protecting the weak points of the mind Defensive personalities Violent one minute, calm the next Defensive personalities


Thanks to Frederic Harvey ( for the original guitar tab. I put it into GuitarPro and added: - second guitar; - last part of the song (except solo).